Wild dogs of Savute

I hadn’t really thought about African Wild Dogs before I got to Botswana.  I knew they existed, but it Kenya they were so endangered that they had almost a mythical quality – you knew they were out there “somewhere” but you just never saw them. This mythical status continued during my first Botswanan adventure. These … More Wild dogs of Savute

Jumping Jackals

I’ve seen lots of jackals over the course of my safari travelling.  Mostly they either lie there and look at you for a bit, before heading off into the sunset, or just head off rather quickly.  The one exception was in 2011 when we watched a lovely pair of jackals playing by the Chobe river. … More Jumping Jackals

T-40 days

Well. It’s 40 days until taking off for Botswana. This is my first attempt at a blog.  No idea how it’ll go, but I thought I’d give it a whirl. Why Botswana?  Well, I need to confess.  This is not my first trip to Botswana…. this is my third.  And there have been a few … More T-40 days